Do Air Purifiers Help with Dust and Dander?

Are you suffering from allergies due to pets? Air purifiers can be a great help in reducing the amount of airborne pet dander, dust, pollen, and other air contaminants. Marcus Reeves, an experienced writer, editor, and fact-checker, explains how air purifiers can filter harmful germs and viruses, as well as dust, smoke, mold, and more. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that animal dander is one of the most common household irritants in the air.2 To reduce the amount of airborne pet dander, you can place an air purifier with a HEPA filter in your space. This type of filter is also effective against dust, pollen and other air contaminants.2Using a HEPA filter in the home can remove most airborne particles that could worsen allergies.

However, there are many more particles in the carpets, bedding and curtains, and on countertops and tables. That's why it is important to keep these areas clean. It is also important to eliminate the source of allergens and irritants when possible. For example, the only effective way to keep tobacco smoke out of the house is to not smoke. If you're only using an air purifier in one place, choose one with a clean air supply rate (CADR) that matches the size of the room.

My allergist recommended a good brand of mattress covers and pillows for my bed, and we have air filters in the attic (where there is a lot of dust) and downstairs. If your home uses a central heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, you can help the filtration system work throughout the house by installing a better air filter. As air passes through the filter, contaminants and particles are captured, and clean air is expelled into the living space. Working to reduce common sources of contaminants and increase the flow of fresh air in your home are crucial strategies when it comes to reducing air pollution risks. Experts explain how air purifiers can neutralize some of the risks posed by indoor air pollution but not all purifiers are equally effective and many don't live up to marketing expectations. All models included in the Good Housekeeping Institute's rigorously tested guide to the best air purifiers you can buy have a true HEPA filter.

However, the real effectiveness of an air purifier in preventing a person from contracting the virus is still unknown as the transmission rate may be faster than the air purifier can capture particles. New particles are constantly emerging so the air may not actually be as filtered as claims might lead you to believe. In fact, EPA agents warn that the functionality of air purifiers is limited in terms of filtering gases and that for optimal operation filters need to be replaced frequently usually every three months. Air filters in your home's central heating and air conditioning ducts or portable air purifiers for rooms help remove indoor contaminants. In the case of pet dander it is possible to eliminate the particles that cause allergies caused by pets with an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter. Learn how to alleviate allergy symptoms with the help of an air purifier and other ways to improve indoor air quality.

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