How to Control Pet Dander and Allergies: An Expert's Guide

Like dust, pet dander can linger in the air and on surfaces for extended periods of time. Even if you don't own a pet, you can still be exposed to pet dander if you visit other homes or places with pets. Pet dander and other pet allergens can stay in the air longer than other allergens because they are microscopic and irregularly shaped, allowing them to fly easily and adhere to furniture, bedding, fabrics, and even be carried in and out of the house. Our beloved pets provide us with many health benefits.

The Center for Disease Control states that having a pet can lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, and feelings of loneliness. Unfortunately, millions of pet owners are allergic to their furry or feathered friends, with the most common pet allergen being cat dander. Approximately 10 million Americans are allergic to cats. Cat dander is one of the smallest and lightest allergens, meaning it can easily spread to every corner of your house or apartment.

Cat dander can float in the air for hours at a time and can remain in homes months after the cat has moved out. Pet dander can float in the air, wait to be inhaled, and cause a reaction. It can also be deposited on carpets, furniture, and clothing. When that fabric moves, pet dander re-enters the air and can cause an allergic reaction.

Controlling your pet's dandruff is key to maintaining a high level of air quality and ensuring your health, especially if you have children who are especially susceptible to these allergens. In more severe cases, a person may also develop a severe rash or eczema in response to pet dander. Small rodents such as hamsters or gerbils pose a threat to people with severe allergies; however, since they are kept primarily in cages, this limits the spread of pet dander and helps maintain high air quality. In addition to dandruff, people who are allergic to companion animals may also be allergic to proteins found in pet saliva, urine, and feces. Depending on the indoor environment in which pet dander has been released, this allergen has the potential to remain in the air of this environment for an ambiguous period of time. Pet dander can cause allergic reactions in some people when exposed to it, and the symptoms that occur can vary depending on the dander, the amount of exposure, and the severity of the allergy.

How To Control Pet Allergies

You can control pet allergies by cleaning them frequently, using a HEPA vacuum cleaner, an air purifier, anti-allergenic bedding, and special products for pet allergies. Pet allergy is a type of allergy that everyone is afraid to experience since sometimes even simple interaction between a person with allergies and their pets can cause immediate allergic symptoms.

If you can't avoid being close to the animal, you can prevent pet dander from remaining by making sure that all furniture, carpets and clothing are cleaned immediately and often after contact.

Air Purifiers

When selecting the most suitable and beneficial air purifier to eliminate pet dander it is important to have a purifier with a HEPA filter. Pet dander will accumulate in the air and even settle deeply on fabrics throughout the house such as couches carpets and even clothing. Air purifiers not only eliminate pet dander but they also eliminate other forms of indoor air pollution that can worsen symptoms of pet allergy.


Avoiding allergens is key to successfully controlling pet dander dandruff allergy symptoms and pet allergies. There is no such thing as a completely hypoallergenic dog as each dog releases specific dander that can aggravate allergy and asthma symptoms in those who suffer from it. However you'll always want to have anti-allergenic bedding in your bed as animal dander will inevitably reach your bedroom even if pets don't.

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